Deep Compute is a US-based data analytics company with over 3500SFT of space. For Deep Compute we opted for an open minimalistic design that seemed in line with their goals and vision. The foyer is a sleek open place from where the entire workplace is visible. A comfortable cushioned bench is laid out along with a pot of flowers sitting next to it. The lounge area is designed with plush sofas in bright yellow colour and an interesting wall graphic adorns the wall of the lounge – a perfect conversation starter. The foyer of the office overlooks open cabins or alcoves that offer a great view of the world outside. The alcoves have a cushioned bench with pleasant tones of blue, and a laptop desk with wheels for maximising functionality. Each cabin can accommodate two or more people working in tandem, brainstorming, or just to relax.Attached to the cabins is a small meeting room built with glass to meet vendors, clients and customers. The workspace is designed to have ample legroom and ergonomic furniture and collaborative tables. The layered lighting makes the workspace, an efficient environment that promotes productivity and adaptability. The open design of the office ensures comfortable airflow and it minimalistic elements make the space more informal and has a positive impact on the health, happiness and productivity of the employees.